Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sorces - links




The Female Characters

Bianca - Is an unconvential person because she is a prostitute. Even though she loves Cassio. She has purity to him.
Act 4 Scene 1 pg. 179 Lines # 137 -140

 I marry (her?) What, a customer?... Do not  think it so unwholesome. Ha, ha, ha!

The Female Characters

Emilia - She is convential because she lives a normal life. She's honest, innocent, and a house wife. She listens and obeys everything her husband tell her to do. Also she a purity woman.
Act 3 Scene 3 pg.137 Lines # 333-343

I am glad I have found this napkin... I nothing but to please his fantasy.

The Female Characters

Desdemona - She is unconventional because she is married to a Moor even though she is piety.
In Act 1 Scene 3 pg. 45 lines 283-294
That I (did) lose the Moor to live with him... By his deep absence. Let me go with him.

The Female Characters

Desdemona - Is the daughter of the Venetian senator Brabantio. Desdemona is the woman that is married to a Moor. The Moor name is Othello. She is a very honest woman to her husband.

Emilia - Is Iago's wife.

Bianca - Is a prostitue in Cyprus. Bianca's favorite guy is Cassio and she is in love with him.

True Women were to hold the four cardinal virtues:

1. Piety - believed to be more religious and spiritual that men.
2. Purity - pure in hear, mind, and body.
3. Submission - held in "perpetual childhood" where men dictated all actions and decisions.
4. Domesticity - a division between work and home, encouraged by the Industrial Revolution; men went out in the world to earn a living, home became the woman's domain where a wife created a "haven in a heartless world" for her husband and children.
Background for understanding: (The idea of "The cult of True Womanhood," or "the cult of domesticity," sought to assert that womanly virtue resided in piety, submissiveness, and domesticity- The attributes of True Womanhood, by which a woman judged herself and was judged by her husband, her neighbors, and domesticity... Without them...all was ashes. With them she was promised happiness and power.).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What were the rules of courtship?

The rules of courtship were parents and friends were matchmakers. The lands pass down to the oldest son to  ban of his siblings. If there was no son, the land went to the daughter. The younger son most likely receives no inheritance. A common law gave a limited preference to males, as it gave daughters over males such as the nephew, uncles, or males cousins.

What rules for getting married existed at the time of the play?

The rules that existed at the time of the play for getting married was women were suppose to be faithful and respectful to their fathers and family. Womens were married with a gift that their family provided and they prepared household possesions to contribute to their new home.

What was expected of a bride?

What was expected of a bride was they were suppose to get married fine. They had to be royal to their husband and give birth to boys. The bride was married of a pact between their families that they make.
The marriage was not made because of love. The brides were suppose to be virgins before getting married.

What was expected of a daughter?

What was expected of a daughter was that they had to obey their father. They had to get married at the age of 13 back then.

What was the role of women?

The role of women was as sinful and imperfect. Women were quiet and they didn't speak what they think of and not in public. Women ways of expresses their feeling was by writing,prayers, and medition.

What was the military hierarchy?

The military hierarchy was the military salaries were obtained by victories. The kick out cities and got gain that became their rewards for military services.

What were the military duties of ranked officers?

The military duties of ranked officers were two types : 1) general 2) lieutenant

General : the leader of the army in the city or state where they severing.

 Lieutenant : they are the ones who gives orders to lower ranked soliders.

How were the Moors/Venetians regarded in Shakespeare's day?

The Moors/Venetians regarded in Shakespeare's day were that they were different skin color other than white. They were not English and non Christian.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who were the Venetians?

The Venetians were the ones that supplied needful ships to the Crusaders and that led to attacks during the fourth Crusade. This took place in Constantinople in 1204.

Who were the Moors?

The Moors were in South Africa and they were African. They had control of Spain and Portugal for 780 years. They were the ones that taught Europeans to navigate, trade, and build boats. The Spanish and the Portuguese turned on them and they used their skills  to slave Africa.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do you know if these rules are applicable to other cultures or are they totally different? Think of scenes from ANY show/movie that adheres to these rules as well as shows/movies that violates these rules.

These rules aren't applicable to other cultures because each cultures has its own rules and that's what makes us different to other cultures. Each society raises children differently depending on your culture and therefore this is why we have different rules in different cultures.

This show gives an excellent example how the rules are broken.

Why do these rules exist? Do you think they apply locally or even just at your school? What are the possible conquences of breaking these rules?

These rules exist because it logical. Women and men don't want to be cheated on other women/men.
Women or men wants to be the only date that you have with them not that you have multiples date when you might be their boyfriend/girlfriend. They also wouldn't like that you cheat on them with another man or woman. This rules apply locally. The possible consequences of breaking these rules are that women or men won't have confidence on each other if the man or woman forgives of what happened. If they don't forgive each other the man or woman would think what did I do to deserve this. Also when it comes to another relationship that they go out with another person they won't have the same confidence as they would before they would always suspect that your lying to them because of that one bad relationship they had in the past even though not everyone is the same person.

The woman is talking about her relationship with the counselor because she keeps asking herself what she did wrong.

 For breaking these rules :

Name a situation in which the rules have been clearly violated? That is, what are things “nice girls” or "nice boys" just don't do?

A situation would be where "nice girls" or "nice boys" don't do collecting and selecting the best. This means that girls/boys shouldn't go on multiples dates to find the right guy/girl to go out with. They also shouldn't each on each other once their boyfriend/girlfriend. The man is cheating on his girlfriend.

The woman is cheating on her boyfriend.

What rules dictate the behavior of men and women in relationships today?

The rules that dicate the behavior of men and women in realtionships today is that now in days is not only men that ask women out. Women can also ask men out for a date.
A woman asking a man out for a date.